Saturday 9 August 2014

3 tips for belly dance students

Belly Dancing is the most popular and well-known international dance, which is about having fun! If you are one of those learning it, below given are few tips and guidelines to make your belly dance learning even more fun!

Tips and guidelines:

1.     Breathe & feel the moment

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and feel the moment you have. It is better to start this way to immerse yourself into the dance form completely. Understanding what the moment means and staying in that helps a dancer becomes a confident performer. So make sure, you keep your focus to that during your training sessions.

2.    Dress up

Buy some  belly dance costumes and jewellery  to compliment yourself. Costuming has always been a big part of the belly dance experience. 

As a beginner, make sure you give priority to that to learn how to express yourself more accurately and concisely with those costume pieces.

3.    Soak in Arabic music

To enjoy the fun of belly dancing, it is very crucial that you conceive the music. Buy Arabic music CD’s and listen to them all week and then try to mold your movements with the beats.